刘瑞霞 研究员      












2013-    中国环境科学研究院,研究员,博士生导师











1. 典型行业有毒有害特征污染物筛选及管理策略,环保部工作专项,2016-2017,课题负责人。

2. 辽河流域有毒有害物污染控制技术与应用示范研究课题,子课题:典型行业有毒有害物污染特征及控制方案研究”,国家重大水专项(编号:2012ZX07202-002),2012-2016,子课题负责人。

3. “天然水体中胶体颗粒物与内分泌干扰物的微界面作用机制研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:21277133),2013-2016,项目负责人。

4. “水体中全氟化合物的测定方法建立及其界面转化过程”,中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项(编号:2012-YSKY-11),2012-2015,项目负责人。

5.  “Demonstration of Pollution Discharge Management for Water Quality Improvement in the Songhuajiang-Liaohe River Basin”,EU ESP中欧合作项目(编号:DCI-ASIE/2013/323-261),2013-2016,主要负责人之一。

6. “高效负载型纤维吸附材料的制备、结构特征及其应用”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:29977027),2000-2002,项目负责人。

7.  “栖息于沉积物上微生物与重金属的作用机理及模式”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:20177027),2002-2004,项目负责人。

8.  “痕量污染物在水体沉积物界面的复杂反应过程研究”,国家自然科学基金重点项目(项目编号:20037010),2001-2004,专题1负责人。

9. “横向流动超虑技术在胶体与内分泌干扰物相互作用中的应用研究”,英国Leverhulme Trust研究项目(编号:F/00230/H),2002-2004,主要负责人之一。

10.   “痕量金属与水体胶态颗粒物的相互作用研究”,英国国家环境研究委员会(NERC)项目(编号:NE/C510532/1),2005-2007,主要负责人之一。

11.   “SUPERGEN UK Sustainable Hydrogen Energy Consortium:钠米氢储材料的发展及应用”,英国国家工程物理研究委员会(EPSRC)项目(编号:EP/E040071/1),2008-2012,主要完成人。

12.   “废水中难降解有毒有机污染物的污控研究”,国家自然科学基金委重点项目,1997-2000,专题完成人。

13.   “水体颗粒物和难降解有机物的特性及控制技术原理”,国家自然科学基金委重点项目,1996-1999,参加人。

14.   “多相光催化氧化法对染料废水治理技术及螯合纤维吸附法在水环境中的应用研究”,中国科学院重点项目,1997-1999,专题负责人



1. Bin Li,Ruixia Liu*, Hongjie Gao, Ruijie Tan, Ping Zeng, Yonghui Song,Spatial distribution and ecological risk assessment of phthalic acid esters and phenols in surface sediment from urban rivers in Northeast China,Environmental Pollution, 2016,219: 409-415.

2. Ruixia Liu*, Nana Liu, Xiaoling Liu, Huibin Yu, Bin Li, Yonghui Song, Spectroscopic and microscopic characteristics of natural aquatic nanoscale particles from riverine waters. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2016, 70: 10-20.

3. Xiuxian Gong,Ruixia Liu**, Bin Li, Yonghui Song, Yuying Liu,Perfluoroalkyl acidsin Daliao River system of northeast China: Determination, distribution and ecological risk,Environmental Earth Sciences 2016, 75(6): 469.

4. Huibin Yu, Yonghui Song, Erdeng Du, Nan Yang, Jianfeng Peng,Ruixia Liu*,Comparison of PARAFAC-based components of fluorescent dissolved and particular organic matter from two urbanized rivers, Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2016, 23 (11): 10644-10655.

5. Ruixia Liu, Ruijie Tan, Bin Li, Yonghui Song, Ping Zeng, Zongsheng Li,Overview of POPs and heavy metals in Liao River Basin,Environmental Earth Sciences2015, 73(9):5007-5017.

6. Bin Li, Xinqi Hu,Ruixia Liu*, Ping Zeng, Yonghui Song, Occurrence and distribution of phthalic acid esters and phenols in Hun River Watersheds,Environmental Earth Sciences,2015,73 (9): 5095-5106.

7. Huibin Yu, Yonghui Song,Ruixia Liu*, Beidou Xi, Erdeng Du, Shuhu Xiao, Variation of dissolved fulvic acid from wetland measured by UV spectrum deconvolution and fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectrum with self-organizing map, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2014,14(6):1088-1097.

8. Ruixia Liu,David Book,Mn-based borohydride synthesizedby ball-milling KBH4and MnCl2for hydrogen storage,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39, 2194-2200.

9. Huibin Yu, Yonghui Song, Xiang Tu, Erdeng Du,Ruixia Liu*, Jianfeng Peng, Assessing removal efficiency of dissolved organic matter in wastewater treatment using fluorescence excitation emission matrices with parallel factor analysis and second derivative synchronous fluorescence,Bioresource Technology, 2013, 144: 595–601.

10. Ruixia Liu, Yonghui Song, Hongxiao Tang, Application of the Surface Complexation Model to the Biosorption of Cu(II)and Pb(II) ions ontoPseudomonas pseudoalcaligenesBiomass,Adsorption Science & Technology, 2013, 31(1): 1-15.

11. Ruixia Liu,Jamie R. Lead and Hao Zhang, Combining cross flow ultrafiltration and diffusion gradients in thin-films approaches to determine trace metal speciation in freshwaters, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2013,109: 14-26.

12. Ruixia Liu, Daniel Reed, David Book,Decomposition behaviour of Mn(BH4)2formed by ball-milling LiBH4and MnCl2. J. Alloys Compd., 2012, 515: 32-38.

13. J.L.Zhou,R. Liu, A. Wilding and A. Hibberd, Sorption of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals to different aquatic colloids,Environ. Sci. & Technol. 2007, 41, 206-213.

14.  Ruixia Liu, Jamie R.Lead, Andy Baker,Fluorescence Characterization of Cross Flow Filtration Derived Freshwater Colloidal and Dissolved Organic Matter, Chemosphere. 2007, 68, 1304-1311.

15. Pan, JH,Liu, RX,Tang, HX, Surface reaction of Bacillus cereus biomass and its biosorption for lead and copper ions.Journal of Environmental Scincences-CHINA, 2007, 19 (4): 403-408.

16. Ruixia Liu, Jamie R. Lead, A partial validation of cross flow ultrafiltration by atomic force microscopy, Analytical Chemistry, 2006, 78, 8106-8112.

17. Ruixia Liu, Andrew Wilding, Andrew Hibberd, John L. Zhou, Partition of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals between Colloids and Dissolved Phase as Determined by Cross Flow Ultrafiltration,Environ. Sci. & Technol.2005, 39:2753-2761。

18. A.Wilding,R. LiuandJ.L.Zhou, Dynamic Behaviour of River Dissolved and Colloidal Organic Matter through Cross Flow Ultrafiltration System, Journal of colloid and interface science, 2005, 287, 152-158.

19. R. Liu,J.L.Zhou, A.Wilding, Similtaneous determination of endocrine disrupting phenolic compounds and steroids in water by solid-phase extraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,Journal of Chromatography A. 2004, 1022, 179-189.

20. Yanmei Zhou,Ruixia Liu,Hongxiao Tang, Sorption interaction of phenanthrene with soil and sedimentof diffenrent particle sizes and in various CaCl2solution, Journal of colloid and interface science. 2004, 270, 37-46.

21. R. Liu,J.L.Zhou, A.Wilding, Microwave-assisted extraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in river sediments, Journal of Chromatography A, 2004, 1038: 19-26.

22. A.Wilding,R. LiuandJ.L.Zhou, Validation of cross-flow ultrafiltration for sampling of colloidal particles from aquatic systems, Journal of colloid and interface science.2004, 280, 102-112.

23. Ruixia Liu,Jinlong Guo and Hongxiao Tang, Adsorption of fluoride, phosphate and arsenate ions on a new type of ion exchange fiber, Journal of colloid and interface science. 2002, 248, 268-274.

24. Ruixia Liu,Yi Li, Hongxiao Tang, Synthesis and characteristics of imidazoline group- and thioamide group-containing chelating fibers, Journal of applied polymer science. 2002, 83, 1608-1616.

25. 张晓孟,李斌,刘瑞霞*,曾萍,宋永会,杨永哲,太子河水系印染行业重点污染河段优先控制污染物的确定,环境工程学报,2015, 9(4): 2007-2013.

26. 巩秀贤,李斌,柳玉英,刘瑞霞*,宋永会,浑河?大辽河水系水体与沉积物中典型全氟化合物的污染水平及生态风险评价,环境科学学报,2015,35(7):2177-2184.

27. 刘瑞霞*,李斌,宋永会,曾萍,辽河流域有毒有害物的水环境污染及来源分析,环境工程技术学报,2014, 4(4): 299-305。

28. 李斌,张晓孟,刘瑞霞*,曾萍,宋永会,辽河流域制药行业重点污染河段特征污染物鉴别,环境工程,2014, 8: 14-18。

29. 刘瑞霞,李斌,刘娜娜,张晓孟,宋永会,吴畏,辽河流域与英国中部河流水体中溶解有机质荧光特性比较,环境科学学报,2014, 34(9): 2321-2328.

刘娜娜,李斌,刘瑞霞*,宋永会,吴畏,浑太水系水体中不同粒径有机胶体荧光光谱特性,环境科学,2014, 35(11): 4103-4110。



1. 国际地球系统保护专家组(IGES),成员(2014-).

2. 旅英中国学人化学科学与技术学会(CSCST-UK)会员(2003-).

3. 《环境工程学报》、《环境科学学报》、“Scientific Reports”、“International Journal of Hydrogen Energy”、“Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta”、“Separation and Purification Technology”等学术期刊审稿人.

4. 国家自然科学基金委通讯评审专家.


1. 2008-2011年,获得“英国国家工程物理研究委员会”奖学金.

2. 2011年,获得“英国西米德兰兹郡能源研究生院”学术会议资助奖金.

3. 2000年,“水体颗粒物和难降解有机物的特性及控制技术原理”项目,获得2000年中国科学院自然科学奖1等奖,参加。
